The Darrell Lee Jenkins Resource Center in Springfield, MA, was founded by Juanita Batchelor, Darrell's mother. We offer advocacy for those impacted by gun violence, and we work with other local organizations to build healthy communities. We insist that government leaders be held accountable, and we demand supports for neighborhoods most affected by gun violence.
The Darrell Lee Jenkins Jr. Resource Center (DLJJRC) aims to support families and friends who have lost loved ones to murder. The organization identifies individuals and families that have lost a loved one to homicide. The DLJJRC works with families and individuals to help them address not only trauma, but the subsequent issues resulting from unresolved deaths. This includes the need for trauma and grief-informed interventions for the victims and their families who have lost loved ones because of violence in the communities in which they live.
Prevent Gun Violence:
*End cruel wait times: Reinstate a city coroner to pronounce murder victims dead so their families do not have to wait for hours while the body of their loved one lies in the street.
*Prevent violence at the root: Set up programs to address the underlying issues that lead to violent crimes, to intervene and prevent violence before it takes place. *Engage members of the *community to work with licensed counselors on a confidential basis to identify people who are at risk of either being victims of or perpetrators of violent crime.